Tax Forum Location Town & Country Resort and Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
Tax Forum Registration Rate Early Bird Rate: $265.00 (until 6/10/25 5:00pm ET)
Standard Rate: $319.00 (6/11/25 to 9/2/25 5:00pm ET)
Late Registration Rate: $399.00 (After 9/2/25 5:00pm ET)

** Please note that registration and payment must be completed before or on the early/standard registration date at 5:00 PM ET. In order to receive the rates listed above, mailed registrations must be postmarked by and faxed registrations must be received by 5:00 PM ET on the corresponding deadline. Registrations received after the standard registration deadline are subject to the rate of $399/person. No exceptions will be made.
Hotel Information Town & Country Resort and Convention Center
500 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, CA 92108
Click here to make a hotel reservation
Tax Forum Dates September 16-18, 2025
Room Rate $239 per night, based on room type.

The Tax Forum rate is $239.00 until 8/15/2025 or when the Tax Forum room block is full, whichever comes first. The room blocks will fill up fast, so please make your reservations as soon as possible.

Online Reservations Click here to make a hotel reservation
Transportation to/from Airport* San Diego International Airport
Estimated Taxi/Rideshare Fare: $30.00-$45.00 (one-way)
Parking** $25 per day for local guests 
$20 per day for guests staying at the hotel
Local Attractions Find local attractions at Visit San Diego
Scooters* Mobility Source
Directions From San Diego International Airport
Click here

* We do not endorse this vendor. This information is provided for your convenience only. 
** Fees subject to change without notice. Please confirm directly with the hotel upon arrival.